Telehealth Visit
You are few clicks away
from talking to your doctor.
Connect to a doctor within minutes by phone or video
It’s convenient and easy. To book a Tele-Visit Please follow the following steps.
First Step:
Click this link and select the doctor you would like to meet.
Second Step:
Choose the time and date that suits your needs. Choose whether you want to book a new Televisit or follow up Televisit if you’re an established patient already.
Third Step:
Add in your personal information to confirm the appointment. The information is sent by secure HIPPA compliant server to protect your personal info.
Fourth Step:
Once your appointment is confirmed. Please follow this link ( to fill in your initial new intake form. If you’re an established patient skip this step.
Last step:
At the time of your appointment, our staff will contact you and send you a text message or email with Zoom meeting link to meet the doctor.